
sketch translations and reflections of a given function

A13h-01 Introducing Translations of y = f(x)

A13h-02 Describing Translations of y = f(x)

A13h-03 Describing Translations of y = x^2

A13h-04 Describing Translations of y = 1/x

A13h-05 Describing Translations of y = sin(x)

A13h-06 Sketch y = x^2 + 5

A13h-07 Sketch y = (x + 5)^2

A13h-08 Sketch y = (x - 5)^2 + 5

A13h-09 Sketch y = 1/x + 5

A13h-10 Sketch y = 1/(x + 5)

A13h-11 Sketch y = 1/(x - 5) + 5

A13h-12 Sketch y = sin(x) + 5

A13h-13 Sketch y = sin(x - 90°)

A13h-14 Sketch y = sin(x + 180°) - 1

A13h-15 Introducing Reflections of y = f(x)

A13h-16 Describing Reflections of y = f(x)

A13h-17 Describing Reflections of y = x + 1

A13h-18 Describing Reflections of y = x^2 + x + 1

A13h-19 Describing Reflections of y = sin(x)

A13h-20 Sketch Reflections of y = x(x - 2)

A13h-21 Sketch Reflections of y = 1/(x + 5)

A13h-22 Sketch Transformations of y = f(x)