101: Linear Graphs

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C1-01 [Coordinate Geometry: Introducing Finding the Midpoint between Two Points]

C1-02 [Coordinate Geometry: Examples of Finding the Midpoint between Two Points]


C1-03 [Coordinate Geometry: Introducing Finding the Distance between Two Points]

C1-04 [Coordinate Geometry: Examples of Finding the Distance between Two Points]


C1-05 [Coordinate Geometry: Finding the Gradient of a Chord between Two Points]

C1-06 [Coordinate Geometry: Examples of Finding the Gradient of a Chord]

Equation of a Line

C1-07 [Coordinate Geometry: The Equation of a Line in the form y = mx + c]

C1-08 [Coordinate Geometry: The Equation of a Line in the form y-y1 = m(x - x1)]

C1-09 [Coordinate Geometry: Examples of Finding the Equation of a Line]

C1-10 [Coordinate Geometry: Finding the Equation of a Line in the form ax+by+c=0]

Parallel & Perpendicular

C1-11 [Coordinate Geometry: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines]

C1-12 [Coordinate Geometry: Finding the Negative Reciprocal]

C1-13 [Coordinate Geometry: Find a Parallel & Perpendicular Line]

Sketching Linear Graphs

C1-14 [Coordinate Geometry: Introducing Sketching Linear Graphs]

C1-15 [Coordinate Geometry: Examples of Sketching Linear Graphs]

Perpendicular Bisectors

C1-16 [Coordinate Geometry: Finding the Perpendicular Bisector of Two Points]

C1-17 [Coordinate Geometry: Examples of Finding the Perpendicular Bisector]

Intersection of Two Lines

C1-18 [Coordinate Geometry: Finding where Two Lines Intersect]